A Regular Story That Rarely Gets Told
is now available on Amazon
for Kindle and in paperback
All proceeds will be donated to
the Child Rescue Coalition.
Purchase your copy
What a wonderful story!
"This is a heartfelt and beautifully told tale of a regular little girl doing something seemingly innocuous, but with devastating consequences for herself and her parents. Well done, Jen Hoey for this cautionary tale and well done to your daughter for allowing it to be told. This story highlights that even despite parents' vigilance, bad things can still happen to our precious children. Jen handled her daughter's situation with care, sensitivity and wisdom. A wonderful inclusion for support networks at the end. This is a 'must read' for all parents."
Thanks for sharing and inspiration to keep up conversations with my kids.
"A story that needs to be shared as too many parents seem to be taking for granted just how vulnerable our children are online. I am so grateful to be able to learn from your experience thanks for your guidance. Easy to read with a great message!"
Moving Story
"This is a moving story, powerful in that it feels like it could happen to anyone. It is a good reminder to do what we can do keep our kids safe online. Brave family for telling their story."
Kindle Customer
A must-read
"This is an excellent resource for parents to read about the dangers of online predators — impacting normal, loving families all the time like this story tells. PLUS a lot of great information on how to limit screen time and keep kids safe. Short and sweet, all new parents should purchase or receive a copy!"