My Blogs


Join me as I share my experiences and knowledge with you.

I hope it will empower you in your journey, as you navigate your own children safely in this cyber world we live in today. 

Jen Hoey | Mar 12, 2024

A brave young woman shares her story of online grooming.

Jen Hoey | Oct 29, 2022

Jen Hoey | Aug 15, 2022

Our children sometimes repeat the same mistakes.

Jen Hoey | Jul 23, 2022

When it comes to children, the issue of online safety raises many responses from parents, but the most frequent is “not my kid”.

Jen Hoey | Jul 21, 2022

A summary of why Snapchat should be avoided by young children and teens.

Jen Hoey | Jun 20, 2022

Here is another example of an actual ‘chat’ I had had with my son when he was 6 years old.

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